u can use these interchangeably or just pick the 1 u like most !
xey / xem / xyr / xyrs / xyrself
xey went to the park, i went with xem, and xey brought xyr frisbee. at least i think it was xyrs. by the end of the day xey was throwing the frisbee to xyrself.
ve / vir / vis / vers / virself
ve went to the park, i went with vir, and ve brought vis frisbee. at least i think it was vers. by the end of the day ve was throwing the frisbee to virself.
ze / zir / zir / zirs / zirself
ze went to the park, i went with zir, and ze brought zir frisbee. at least i think it was zirs. by the end of the day ze was throwing the frisbee to zirself.
they / them / their / theirs / themselves